When applying AAI, it is our duty as a human being to maximise the welfare of all parties involved, both human and animal.
ZorgBeest is a research project of Odisee University College in which we focus on the welfare of the animals in Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI).
Traditionnaly, research in this study field describes the impact of AAI on humans. Much less attention is payed to the effect AAI may have on the animals involved. However AAI can be a positive experience for them as well, provided that the animal's individual needs and preferences are taken into account. But how can we do this?
In order to support care facilities in implementing or improving AAI programmes, we combined scientific information with advice from experts and experience in the field. This resulted in practical guidelines for ensuring the welfare of AAI animals (dogs, cats, petting zoo animals, ...).
We also studied which role caregivers may play in AAI programmes.
Furthermore, this website functions as a platform for all those who are interested in AAI. Links to events and courses are provided.
This research is financed via a PWO grant from the Flemish Government to Odisee University College. We received additional funding from GoeDoel.
Would you like to show this video in your facility? Send an email to info@zorgbeest.be and we will send you an MP4 version free of charge.